1138. Alphabet Board Path

I have to admit the code might look daunting but it is actualy not that complicated after I explain it to you.

What the Problem is asking:

The problem asks us to make a board of letters:

[a, b, c, d, e]
[f, g, h, i, j]
[k, l, m, n, o]
[p, q, r, s, t]
[u, v, w, x, y]

Then it gives us a word target. We start at the position (0, 0) which is the letter a on the board.

We are asked to split target into letters and then go from the current position to the letter, and then from the new position to the next letter, and so on.

If we:

  • go right then add a R to the result
  • go left then add a L to the result
  • go up then add a U to the result
  • go down then add a D to the result
  • reach the letter we add a ! to the result

We can show this with the following example:


    target = "leet"



The first letter is l so we have to go to the letter l from a. So we go 2 down and 1 right. So we add DDR! to the result.

The second letter is e so we we have to first go up 2 and right 3. Doing this we add UURRR! to the result.

The third letter is an e as well, so we just have to add a ! to the result.

Since the last letter is t we just go down 3 from our current possition, so we just add DDD! to the result.

After we have finished we can see that our result is "DDR! + UURRR! + ! + DDD!" = "DDR!UURRR!!DDD!" and our expected output is "DDR!UURRR!!DDD!", and we can also see that our expected output is equal to our output.

func alphabetBoardPath(target string) string {

    board := []string{"abcde", "fghij", "klmno", "pqrst", "uvwxy", "z"}
    res := ""
    row, col := 0, 0

    for i := 0; i < len(target); i++ {
        for newCol := 0; newCol < 6; newCol++ {
            newRow := containsPosition(board[newCol], int32(target[i]))
            if newRow != -1 { // this says that the row contains the letter
                amountOfRowsLeft := abs(newCol - col)

                if newCol > col {
                    for k := col; k < newCol; k++ {
                        if k > len(board)-3 {
                        res += "D"
                } else if newCol < col {
                    for k := 0; k < col-newCol; k++ {
                        res += "U"

                if newRow > row {
                    for k := 0; k < newRow-row; k++ {
                        res += "R"
                } else if newRow < row {
                    for k := 0; k < row-newRow; k++ {
                        res += "L"

                if amountOfRowsLeft != 0 {
                    res += "D"
                if amountOfRowsLeft == 0 {
                    res += "!"
                row, col = newRow, newCol

    return res

func containsPosition(theRow string, letter int32) int {
        This checks whether theRow contains the letter

    for i, i2 := range theRow {
        if i2 == letter {
            return i
    return -1

func abs(a int) int {
    if a > 0 {
        return a
    return -a