1422. Maximum Score After Splitting a String

The idea of the first solution is pretty simple, and the second solution is based on the first solution.

The idea of the first solution is:

  • We loop through s and add all the numbers to a counter called numberOfOnes to count the number of ones. We do this by using ASCII. The ASCII of 0 is 48, and the ASCII of 1 is 49, so we can get the int of s[i] and then subtract 48 from it to get 0 or 1. If it is 0 s[i] = '0' and if it is 1 s[i] = '1'.
  • If the first element is a '0' we add one to numberOfZeros and if it is a '1' we can subtract one from numberOfOnes because the split string starts with a substring of length 1 on the left and a substring of length (len(s) - 1) - 1.
  • Then we can loop through 1 to len(s) - 1 and add one to numberOfZeros or subtract one from the numberOfOnes, and then check whether the numberOfZeros + numberOfOnes is greater than maximum, if so make maximum equal to numberOfZeros + numberOfOnes.

The idea of the second solution is: We do the same thing as the first solution, but we combine numberOfZeros and numberOfOnes into a variable called sum.

The First Code:

func maxScore(s string) int {
    numberOfOnes := 0
    numberOfZeros := 0
    maximum := 0

    for _, i := range s {
        numberOfOnes += int(i) - 48
    numberOfZeros, numberOfOnes = 
    addAndSubtractFromOnesAndZeros(s, numberOfZeros, numberOfOnes, 0)
    maximum = numberOfOnes + numberOfZeros

    for i := 1; i < len(s)-1; i++ {
        numberOfZeros, numberOfOnes = 
        addAndSubtractFromOnesAndZeros(s, numberOfZeros, numberOfOnes, i)
        if numberOfOnes + numberOfZeros > maximum {
            maximum = numberOfOnes + numberOfZeros

    return maximum

func addAndSubtractFromOnesAndZeros(s string, 
numberOfZeros, numberOfOnes, i int) (int, int) {

    if s[i] == '0' {
        return numberOfZeros + 1, numberOfOnes
    return numberOfZeros, numberOfOnes - 1

The Second Code:

func maxScore(s string) int {
    maximum := 0
    sum := 0

    for _, i := range s {
        sum += int(i) - 48

    sum = addAndSubtractFromOnesAndZeros2(s, sum, 0)
    maximum = sum

    for i := 1; i < len(s)-1; i++ {
        sum = addAndSubtractFromOnesAndZeros2(s, sum, i)
        if sum > maximum {
            maximum = sum

    return maximum

func addAndSubtractFromOnesAndZeros2(s string, sum, i int) int {
    if s[i] == '0' {
        return sum + 1
    return sum - 1