1461. Check If a String Contains All Binary Codes of Size K

The idea of this solution is to make a sliding window and add all the substrings os size k to a map, if the maps length is equal to 2^k return true.

We do 2^k because we have to acount for all posibilitys of 0 and 1.

func hasAllCodes(s string, k int) bool {
    m := make(map[string]int)

    for i := 0; i < len(s)-k+1; i++ {

    return len(m) == twoPow(k) 

func twoPow(k int) int {
    res := 1
    for i := 0; i < k; i++ {
        res *= 2
    return res

By using bit maniplation we can simplify the code, left shifting is basicly multiplying by 2. This can be shown using the following:

2^0 = 1    1 << 0 = 1

2^1 = 2    1 << 1 = 2

2^2 = 4    1 << 2 = 4

The simplifyed the code:

func hasAllCodes(s string, k int) bool {
    m := make(map[string]int)

    for i := 0; i < len(s)-k+1; i++ {

    return len(m) == 1 << k