1564. Put Boxes Into the Warehouse I

The idea of this solution is:

  • We sort boxes.
  • Then, we make an array called minimums, and put the minimum values of warehouse from left to right into the array. If you don’t understand, look at the following images:
  • Then we can just look from len(minimums) - 1 to 0 and check whether minimums[i] >= boxes[boxCounter] we can go to the next box, other wise we continue going through the loop until minimums[i] >= boxes[boxCounter].
  • Then we can return boxCounter because boxCounter = the number of boxes we have boxes we have fitted in.
func maxBoxesInWarehouse(boxes []int, warehouse []int) int {
    boxCounter := 0
    minimums := []int{warehouse[0]}

    for i := 1; i < len(warehouse); i++ {
        if minimums[i - 1] > warehouse[i] {
            minimums = append(minimums, warehouse[i])
        } else {
            minimums = append(minimums, minimums[i - 1])

    for i := len(minimums) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
        if boxCounter == len(boxes) {
        if minimums[i] >= boxes[boxCounter] {

    return boxCounter