1779. Find Nearest Point That Has the Same X or Y Coordinate

What The Problem Is Asking:

This problem asks you to find the smallest Manhattan distance from a given point to a matrix array of points called points.

The problem also asks you to only find the Manhattan distance of the points that have the same x value as the first given point, or the same y value as the given point.

Then the problem asks you to return the index of the minimum distance. If there is no point that has the same x value or the save y value return -1.

The Manhattan distance is the distance between two points by doing abs(y1 - y2) + abs(x1 - x2).

How The Solution Works:

The main idea of this solution is that the problem asks to find the Manhattan distance of the points that have the same x or y value.

The reason this is so important can be shown using an image:

The average 2 points that don’t have the same x value or y value can by shown by this image:

This is for two points that have the same x value:

When the two x values are the same we just have to calculate the y part because when we subtract both the x parts we get 0. This can be shown by the image above (4 - 2) + (3 - 3) = 2 + 0 = 2. The part (4 - 2) is the part that follows the y axis, and the part (3 - 3) is the x part.

This is for two points that have the same y value:

When both y’s are equal then the y part will be equal to zero so we wont have to calculate the y part. This can be show by the above example, (1 - 1) + (4 - 1) = 3. The y part (1 - 1) = 0.

So, when a point in the array has a x value equal to the given x value just calculate the y part. And when the y part of a point in the array is eqal to the given y value just calculate the x part.

Extra Notes:

This solution doesn’t use a build in math.Abs() function because it would take longer to process than using a self made absolute function.

func nearestValidPoint(x int, y int, points [][]int) int {
    minimum := 100000000 // the max value has to be 10^4 * 10^4 = 10^8
    // 10^8 = 100,000,000
    resIndex := -1
    for i, point := range points {
        manhattanYAbs := absoluteValue(point[1] - y)
        manhattanXAbs := absoluteValue(point[0] - x)
        if point[0] == x && manhattanYAbs < minimum {
            minimum = manhattanYAbs
            resIndex = i
        } else if point[1] == y && manhattanXAbs < minimum {
            minimum = manhattanXAbs
            resIndex = i
    return resIndex

func absoluteValue(n int) int {
    if n < 0 {
        return -n
    return n