1940. Longest Common Subsequence Between Sorted Arrays

At first, I thought that this would need a nice algorithm, but then when I read the description, it said that

arrays is sorted in strictly increasing order”


“longest common subsequence

The first part, “arrays is sorted in strictly increasing order,” tells us that each array is sorted and each array has unique numbers.

The second part, “longest common subsequence” says that it is a subsequence and not a subarray. A subsequence are any elements in an array with the same order, but a subarray is contiguous elements in an array.

The First Solution:

For the first solution, we don’t care whether the arrays are sorted. We just care that we need subsequence, and each array has unique numbers. So all we have to do is loop through every element in arrays and check whether the frequency of any element is equal to len(arrays) (Whether every array contains that element).

func longestCommomSubsequence(arrays [][]int) []int {
    res := []int{}
    m := make(map[int] int)
    for _, arr := range arrays {
        for _, i := range arr {
            if m[i] == len(arrays) {
                res = append(res, i)
    return res

The Second Solution:

I thought that the first solution was boring, so I decided to develop a solution that is a little more advanced (FUN). I drew up a quick image to explain how this solution works:

The explanation for images 2 and 3 is pretty much how this solution works.

func longestCommomSubsequence(arrays [][]int) []int {
    arr := make([]int, len(arrays)) // the counters for each array
    keepGoing := true
    res := []int{}
    for keepGoing {
        keepGoing = false
        temp := 0
        max := arrays[0][arr[0]]
        for i := 1; i < len(arrays); i++ { // find the max
            if arrays[i][arr[i]] > max {
                max = arrays[i][arr[i]]
        for i := 0; i < len(arrays); i++ {
            if arrays[i][arr[i]] == max {
            } else if arrays[i][arr[i]] < max && arr[i] != len(arrays[i]) - 1 {
                keepGoing = true
        if temp == len(arrays) {
            res = append(res, max)
            for i := 0; i < len(arrays); i++ {
                if arr[i] != len(arrays[i]) - 1 {
                    keepGoing = true
    return res