1991. Find the Middle Index in Array

The idea of this solution is pretty simple:

  • We find the sum of all the numbers in nums (In this solution, I am calling it sum)
  • Then we check whether sum - left - nums[i] == left (I will get back to what left is and what this whole thing means in the following parts). If so, we can return i (The index).
  • The variable called left keeps track of the left sum, so we do left += nums[i].

So, if you don’t understand what sum - left - nums[i] == left is doing, read the following:

There is a small part that I would assume someone would have missed, and that is in the following:

nums[0] + nums[1] + ... + nums[middleIndex-1] == nums[middleIndex+1] + nums[middleIndex+2] + ... + nums[nums.length-1]

We are supposed to make the sum of all the numbers before nums[i] equal to the sum of all the numbers after nums[i], not including nums[i].

So doing sum - left - nums[i] == left is basically checking whether right sum == left sum:

  • sum - left is for getting the sum of all the elements to the right of nums[i - 1] (Basically all the elements to the right of nums[i] plus nums[i])
  • Subtracting nums[i] from sum - left is for taking out the nums[i].
  • The two bullet points before this one were for finding the right sum, but since we know the left sum we can just check whether right sum == left sum.
func findMiddleIndex(nums []int) int {
    sum := 0
    left := 0
    for _, num := range nums { sum += num }
    for i := range nums {
        if sum - left - nums[i] == left {
            return i
        left += nums[i]
    return -1