2028. Find Missing Observations

This solution aims to find the missing sum and then distribute it among n values.

The idea of the first part (Finding the missing sum) is first to find the sum of the m numbers given to us in rolls.

Then since the mean will always be mean = sum / (n + m) (the sum of elements divided by the number of elements), we know that the number of elements will always be n + m. So the total number of elements will be (n + m) * mean. And the sum of the missing elements will be (n + m) * mean - sum (Works because of PEMDAS).

Now the part in-between is for returning an empty array.

We return an empty array if missing > n * 6. This checks whether there is a greater missing sum than n * 6. n * 6 because 6 is the max number on a dice, and n is the max number of unobserved rolls.

We also return an empty array if missing < n. This is because there are not enough in the missing sum to fill up n dices. This is because a dice can only have values from 1 to 6, meaning we can’t have dice with the value 0.

Now to distribute missing between n values.

Since we want at least 1 in each dice value, we can find the value of each dice by doing:

res[i] = int(math.Min(float64(6), float64(missing - (n - 1 - i))))
missing -= res[i]

We find the min between 6, and missing - (n - 1 - i).

The 6 is because it is the maximum value of dice.

The (n - 1 - i) in missing - (n - 1 - i) is for finding the max value we can have at res[i] so that we have at least 1 for res[i + 1], res[i + 2], res[i + 3] ... res[n - 1].

i is the current dice we are on. Since i is zero-indexed we can do (n - (i + 1)), but this simplifies to n - i - 1 because of the distributive property. And since n is the number of total missing dice, if we do n - i - 1, we get the remaining number of dice, and with that a value of 1 per remaining dice.

And if we do missing - (n - 1 - i), we get the maximum value we can give to a dice.

Then the missing -= res[i] part removes the missing value from missing.

func missingRolls(rolls []int, mean int, n int) []int {
    res := make([]int, n)
    sum := 0
    for _, roll := range rolls { 
        // finding sum
        sum += roll
    missing := (len(rolls) + n) * mean - sum
    if missing > n * 6 || missing < n {
        // should return empty array
        return []int{}
    for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
        // distribute the missing
        res[i] = int(math.Min(float64(6), float64(missing - (n - 1 - i))))
        missing -= res[i]
    return res