2046. Sort Linked List Already Sorted Using Absolute Values

The idea of this solution is to check whether the current value is smaller than 0. If so, we can remove it from its current position, add it to the beginning of the list, and make that the new beginning.

This solution works because the absolute value of -1 will always be smaller than the absolute value of -5, but -1 is greater than -5. So if we have the linked list [-1, -5], we can go through the linked list from the 0 index to the end, find the greatest valued negative numbers, and add them to the beginning before the smaller negative numbers.

The idea of this solution can be shown using the following image:

  • Step one is initializing the start, prev, and cur variables.
    • start is the very beginning of the linked list. In this example, 0 is the head. Notice how start is always the beginning of the linked list while the head isn’t always.
    • cur is the current value we are on. We can initialize it at position 1 (0 Indexed) because if position 0 is negative, it is the greatest negative number, and we don’t have to worry. And if the value at position 0 is positive, it is the smallest positive value, and all the negative values that we add before it will always be smaller.
    • prev is always the node before cur so we can check whether cur.Val is negative and remove the node from the linked list.
  • In step 2, we have moved prev and cur up by one node.
  • In step three, we move prev and cur up by one more node.
  • In step 4, we can see that cur is negative. So we can remove it from the list and add another ListNode with the same value to the beginning. We make start equal to this new ListNode because that is the new start of the linked list.
  • In step 5, we can see that cur is negative, so we can do the same thing as step 4.
  • In step 6, we move cur and prev up by a node, but cur == nil, so we break out of the loop and return start.
func sortLinkedList(head *ListNode) *ListNode {
    cur := head.Next
    prev := head
    start := head
    for cur != nil {
        if cur.Val < 0 {
            start = &ListNode{ cur.Val, start }
            cur = cur.Next
            prev.Next = prev.Next.Next
        } else {
            prev = prev.Next
            cur = cur.Next
    return start