2095. Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List

The idea of this solution is to use three-pointers, like in the following example:

Remember that the hare will always go up two values, while prev and turtle will only go up one.

The hare has reached the end, so we can stop moving the hare, turtle, and prev. Now, we have to remove the turtles position by doing prev.Next = prev.Next.Next.

We can do the same thing for input with even length.

func deleteMiddle(head *ListNode) *ListNode {
    if head.Next == nil { return nil }
    turtle, hare, prev := head, head, &ListNode{ -1, head }
    for hare != nil && hare.Next != nil {
        hare = hare.Next.Next
        turtle = turtle.Next
        prev = prev.Next
    prev.Next = prev.Next.Next
    return head

The Solution Can Be Simplified:

Then we can remove the whole turtle pointer because it is not used in removing the middle node, so we can do:

func deleteMiddle(head *ListNode) *ListNode {
    if head.Next == nil { return nil }
    hare, prev := head, &ListNode{ -1, head }
    for hare != nil && hare.Next != nil {
        hare = hare.Next.Next
        prev = prev.Next
    prev.Next = prev.Next.Next
    return head