2178. Maximum Split of Positive Even Integers

The Idea of this Solution:

We can subtract multiples of 2 from the number until it is smaller than or equal to 0. Then if it is smaller we can remove the absolute value of the number from the result.

For example:

input: finalSum = 28

finalSum = 26, res = [2]

finalSum = 22, res = [2, 4]

finalSum = 16, res = [2, 4, 6]

finalSum = 8, res = [2, 4, 6, 8]

finalSum = -2, res = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

Since finalSum is negative we have to make it 0. To do this we have to remove 2 from res to cancel out the -2 in finalSum.

finalSum = 0, res = [4, 6, 8, 10]

Remember that this is not the only solution.

We know that even - even = even (ie. 8 - 2 = 6). And since we only have even numbers in res we can just remove the number from res.

Removeing the element from res is pretty simple since all numbers are sorted and they are even. We can just find the index that we want to remove by doing (finalSum * -1) / 2 (The finalSum * -1 is to make finalSum positive). Since we know the position of the number that we want to remove we can just use golang slice tricks to remove it.

func maximumEvenSplit(finalSum int64) []int64 {
    if finalSum % 2 == 1 { // odd
        return []int64{}
    res := []int64{}
    i := int64(0)
    for finalSum > 0 {
        i += 2
        res = append(res, i)
        finalSum -= i
    if finalSum < 0 { 
        // Remove the element from res using slice tricks
        index := (finalSum * -1) / 2
        res = append(res[: index - 1], res[index:]...)
    return res