353. Design Snake Game

For SnakeGame I have a lot of pramaters, and it might be hard to understand this solution is you don’t understand them. So:

  • counter int → The amount of food that the snake has eaten.
  • height int → The height of the matrix.
  • width int → The width of the matrix.
  • food [][]int → The positions of the food.
  • foodCounter int → What food we are on (i.e. food[foodCounter] = [1, 2])
  • m map[point] bool → What positions the snake is on. We have this so we can check whether the snake is occuping a space where its body should be in O(1) time.
  • previous []point → This is all the positions of the snake.
type SnakeGame struct {
    counter int
    height int
    width int
    food [][]int
    foodCounter int
    m map[point] bool
    previous []point

type point struct {
    i, j int

func Constructor(width int, height int, food [][]int) SnakeGame {
    m := make(map[point] bool)
    m[point{ 0, 0 }] = true
    return SnakeGame{ 0, height, width, food, 0, m, []point{ point{0, 0} } }

func (this *SnakeGame) Move(direction string) int {
    newPoint := this.previous[len(this.previous) - 1]
    switch direction {
        case "R":
        case "L":
        case "U":
        case "D":
    if newPoint.i < 0 || newPoint.j < 0 || newPoint.i >= this.height || newPoint.j >= this.width { 
        // If we run into walls
        return -1 
    if this.foodCounter < len(this.food) && this.food[this.foodCounter][0] == newPoint.i && this.food[this.foodCounter][1] == newPoint.j {
        // If on a piece of food
    } else {
        // If not on food we can remove the end of the tail
        pop := this.previous[0]
        this.previous = this.previous[1:]
        delete(this.m, pop)
    if this.m[newPoint] { 
        // Running into itself
        return -1 
    this.previous = append(this.previous, newPoint)
    this.m[newPoint] = true
    return this.counter