406. Queue Reconstruction by Height

The idea of this solution is to:

  • sort people’s height in non-decreasing order, and when two people have the same height, we sort their kth place in non-increasing order.

  • And then we add the following person to the resulting array in the kth vacant position (zero-indexed), like in this image:

    • As you can see in row 1, k = 4, so we add the person of height 4 into res at position 4.
    • Then we can see that in row 2 k = 2, so we add the second person to position 2.
    • Then in the 3ed row, we can see that k = 0, so we add it to position 0
    • In the 4th row, we can see that person 4 has k = 1, but is in the 3ed position. This is because in the empty spaces left, we had empties = [1, 3, 5], and empties[1] = 3, adding person 4 to the 3ed position.
    • In the 5th row, we can see that k = 1, but the person is in the 5th position. Just like in the 4th row, we only have a limited amount of empty places, and 5th is the 1st one we find (zero-indexed).
    • In the sixth row, we can see that the last space available is at position 1, but since it is the only empty and k = 0, we can add it to the position.

Quick walkthrough on how this code works:

  • We sort people
  • Then we make an array called empties to store all the empty values
  • We fill up empties with the indexes of all the positions
  • Then we loop through all the people that we have sorted and:
    • res[empties[person[1]]] = person, which is basically res[the kth empty position] = person
    • Then remove that position from empty because it is now filled.
  • Then return res.

I am pretty sure that (correct me if I am wrong) the time complexity is: O(nlogn + 2n) because O(nlogn) is the time complexity of sort, and 2n is for the other two loops.

The Code:

func reconstructQueue(people [][]int) [][]int {
	sort.Slice(people, func(i, j int) bool {
		if people[i][0] == people[j][0] {
			return people[i][1] > people[j][1]
		return people[i][0] < people[j][0]

	res := make([][]int, len(people))
	empties := make([]int, len(people))

	for i := 0; i < len(people); i++ {
		empties[i] = i

	for _, person := range people {
		res[empties[person[1]]] = person
		empties = append(empties[:person[1]], empties[person[1]+1:]...)

	return res