2 minutes
Leetcode 417
417. Pacific Atlantic Water Flow
The idea of this solution is to do DFS from the ocean to the land, not from the land to the ocean. Basically we can do DFS from the water to each point, and we only move from one point to another if the next point has a height greater than the current height.
type point struct {
i, j int
func pacificAtlantic(heights [][]int) [][]int {
n, m := len(heights), len(heights[0])
pacificVisited := make(map[point] bool)
atlanticVisited := make(map[point] bool)
res := [][]int{}
pacific, atlantic := findNextToWater(n, m)
add := func(i, j, prevHeight int, pOrA string) {
if pOrA == "pacific" {
if i < 0 || j < 0 || i >= n || j >= m || pacificVisited[point{i, j}] {
if heights[i][j] >= prevHeight {
pacific = append(pacific, point{i, j})
} else { // Otherwise it is "atlantic"
if i < 0 || j < 0 || i >= n || j >= m || atlanticVisited[point{i, j}] {
if heights[i][j] >= prevHeight {
atlantic = append(atlantic, point{i, j})
for len(pacific) != 0 {
pop := pacific[0]
pacific = pacific[1:]
if pacificVisited[pop] {
pacificVisited[pop] = true
i, j, h := pop.i, pop.j, heights[pop.i][pop.j]
add(i+1, j, h, "pacific")
add(i-1, j, h, "pacific")
add(i, j+1, h, "pacific")
add(i, j-1, h, "pacific")
for len(atlantic) != 0 {
pop := atlantic[0]
atlantic = atlantic[1:]
if atlanticVisited[pop] {
if pacificVisited[pop] {
res = append(res, []int{pop.i, pop.j})
atlanticVisited[pop] = true
i, j, h := pop.i, pop.j, heights[pop.i][pop.j]
add(i+1, j, h, "atlantic")
add(i-1, j, h, "atlantic")
add(i, j+1, h, "atlantic")
add(i, j-1, h, "atlantic")
return res
func findNextToWater(n int, m int) ([]point, []point) {
pacific := []point{}
atlantic := []point{}
for i := 0; i < n; i++ { // Find all values on the edge next to the ocean
pacific = append(pacific, point{i, 0})
atlantic = append(atlantic, point{i, m - 1})
for j := 1; j < m-1; j++ { // Find all values on the edge next to the ocean
pacific = append(pacific, point{0, j})
atlantic = append(atlantic, point{n - 1, j})
pacific = append(pacific, point{0, m - 1})
atlantic = append(atlantic, point{n - 1, 0})
return pacific, atlantic
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