42. Trapping Rain Water

I got the idea of this solution from qddpx’s solution. I thought that it was an ingenious solution, so I decided to explain it.

I think that this solution will be easier to understand if you first understand what the code is doing, so I decided to make a GIF about this.

We loop through height 3 different times:

  • The first time we loop through height, we loop from 0 to len(height) and make each value in a new array called lToR (left to right) the maximum value that we have reached so far in height.
  • Then we can loop through height backwards from len(height) - 1 to 0. We can do the same thing except with a different array called rToL (right to left).
  • Then, we can find the minimum of lToR[i] and rToL[i] to see the maximum level that our water will fill. Then we can subtract height[i] from the minimum to remove any extra water that would be in the place of height[i].

You might want to take another look at the GIF. It might make some more sense since you know what is happening.

func trap(height []int) int {
    res := 0
    lToR := make([]int, len(height))
    rToL := make([]int, len(height))
    max := height[0]
    for i := 0; i < len(height); i++ {
        if height[i] > max { max = height[i] }
        lToR[i] = max
    max = height[len(height) - 1]
    for i := len(height) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
        if height[i] > max { max = height[i] }
        rToL[i] = max
    for i := 0; i < len(height); i++ {        
        res += int(math.Min(float64(rToL[i]), float64(lToR[i]))) - height[i]
    return res