2 minutes
Leetcode 490
The idea of this solution is to use BFS to find every path. And then if we find a path that leads to the destination we can return true
I made a gif that basicly gives an example of all paths from start. Note that this is the same example as the problem statment.
While in the gif we just see the paths, in the code we have to make the path, meaning that we have to make a path one move at a time.
type point struct {
i, j int
func hasPath(maze [][]int, start []int, destination []int) bool {
stack := []point{ point{ start[0], start[1] } }
visited := make(map[point] bool)
n, m := len(maze), len(maze[0])
helper := func(moveI, moveJ, i, j int) {
for i < n && j < m && i >= 0 && j >= 0 && maze[i][j] != 1 {
i += moveI
j += moveJ
i -= moveI
j -= moveJ
if !visited[point{ i, j }] {
stack = append(stack, point{ i, j })
visited[point{ i, j }] = true
for len(stack) != 0 {
pop := stack[0]
stack = stack[1:]
if pop.i == destination[0] && pop.j == destination[1] {
return true
helper(1, 0, pop.i, pop.j)
helper(-1, 0, pop.i, pop.j)
helper(0, 1, pop.i, pop.j)
helper(0, -1, pop.i, pop.j)
return false
I have put helper
outside of hasPath
, so it might be easier to read.
type point struct {
i, j int
var stack = []point{ }
var visited = make(map[point] bool)
var globalMaze = [][]int{}
func helper(moveI, moveJ, i, j int) {
n, m := len(globalMaze), len(globalMaze[0])
for i < n && j < m && i >= 0 && j >= 0 && globalMaze[i][j] != 1 {
i += moveI
j += moveJ
i -= moveI
j -= moveJ
if !visited[point{ i, j }] {
stack = append(stack, point{ i, j })
visited[point{ i, j }] = true
func hasPath(maze [][]int, start []int, destination []int) bool {
stack = []point{ point{ start[0], start[1] } }
visited = make(map[point] bool)
globalMaze = maze
// n, m := len(maze), len(maze[0])
for len(stack) != 0 {
pop := stack[0]
stack = stack[1:]
if pop.i == destination[0] && pop.j == destination[1] {
return true
helper(1, 0, pop.i, pop.j)
helper(-1, 0, pop.i, pop.j)
helper(0, 1, pop.i, pop.j)
helper(0, -1, pop.i, pop.j)
return false
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