I feel that enough people have explained the first type of solution, so I will not explain this.

Most People Do This:

var maximum = 0

func diameterOfBinaryTree(root *TreeNode) int {
    maximum = 0
    return maximum

func helper(root *TreeNode) int {
    if root == nil { return 0 }
    leftHeight, rightHeight := helper(root.Left), helper(root.Right)
    maximum = max(leftHeight + rightHeight, maximum)
    return 1 + max(leftHeight, rightHeight)

func max(a, b int) int {
    if a > b { return a }
    return b

The Second Solution Explanation:

I would say that the hardest part to understand in the second solution is maximum = max(leftHeight + rightHeight + 2, maximum). I think simplifying would help with the explanation, so:

maximum = max(leftHeight + rightHeight + 2, maximum)

which equals:

maximum = max((leftHeight + 1) + (rightHeight + 1), maximum)

I think that the easiest way to explain this is to use an image (Something to remember as we return -1 when we find a nil node):

  • We can start with the simple input, [1, nil, 2]
  • Since this is a recursive solution, we can start from the bottom up.
  • In the image, the orange boxes are nil nodes, and the dotted line represents the edge to the nil node.
  • In the second image, we can see that we add 1 because of the edge and subtract 1 because the edge is pointing to nil, so the height is 0.
  • Then, in the third image, we can see that the left node is nil, so we can add 1 for the edge and subtract 1 for the nil. Then on the right child, we can add 1 for the edge and add 0 because the right child’s height is 0.

As you can see we are doing (leftHeight + 1) + (rightHeight + 1). The plus 1 is for adding the edge. I didn’t do the maximum = max(, maximum) part because I feel it is pretty easy to understand.

This is the Code I Prefer: (The only things that are different from the first solution are we return -1 instead of 0 if root == nil, and we add 2 to leftHeight + rightHeight when calculating maximum)

var maximum = 0

func diameterOfBinaryTree(root *TreeNode) int {
    maximum = 0
    return maximum

func helper(root *TreeNode) int {
    if root == nil { return -1 }
    leftHeight, rightHeight := helper(root.Left), helper(root.Right)
    maximum = max(leftHeight + rightHeight + 2, maximum)
    return 1 + max(leftHeight, rightHeight)

func max(a, b int) int {
    if a > b { return a }
    return b