One minute
Leetcode 590
590. N-ary Tree Postorder Traversal
The First Solution:
This solution seems pretty self-explanatory.
func postorder(root *Node) []int {
return helper(root, []int{})
func helper(r *Node, l []int)[]int{
if r != nil{
for _,item := range r.Children{
l = helper(item,l)
l = append(l,r.Val)
return l
The Second Solution:
If you look at the following code and don’t understand, it is probably because of: r.Children[len(r.Children) - i - 1]
, but if you look at it carefully, you will see that it is the same as reversing r.Children
except cleaner.
func postorder(root *Node) []int {
return helper(root, []int{})
func helper(r *Node, l []int) []int {
if r != nil {
l = append(l[:0], append([]int{r.Val}, l[0:]...)...)
for i := range r.Children {
l = helper(r.Children[len(r.Children) - i - 1], l)
return l
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