633. Sum of Square Numbers

Both solutions use the simple knowledge of:

If c = a^2 + b^2 then b^2 = c - a^2 and a^2 = c - b^2.

The Idea of the First Solution:

The idea of this solution is pretty simple since we know that a^2 = c - b^2 we can store a^2 in a map called m, and then we check whether m contains c - b^2. If m contains c - b^2, we can return true because we know that two squared numbers add up to c.

The Idea of the Second Solution:

The idea of this solution is also straightforward and is based on a^2 = c - b^2. This solution iterates from 0 to the square root of c. We know that i * i == a^2, so we know that if c - b^2 is a square, we can return true.

We can check whether it is a square by checking if the int(sqrt(float64(n)))^2 == n. This works because if when we do sqrt(n) we get a float64. If you don’t understand look at the following two examples:

sqrt(13) = 3.605551 and sqrt(4) = 2.000000.

When we make both integers we get int(sqrt(13)) = 3 and int(sqrt(4)) = 2. 3^2 = 9, 3^2 != 13 so we know that there is no integer square root of 13, but when we do 2^2 = 4 we know that there is an integer square root of 4.

The First Solution:

func judgeSquareSum(c int) bool {
    m := make(map[int]int)

    for i := 0; i*i <= c; i++ {
        squaredValue := i * i
        m[squaredValue] = 1

        if _, ok := m[c - squaredValue]; ok {
            return true
    return false

The Second Solution: (The solution that is faster than 100%)

func judgeSquareSum(c int) bool {
    for i := 0; i*i <= c; i++ {
        if isSquare(c - (i * i)) {
            return true
    return false

func isSquare(n int) bool {
    squareRooted := int(math.Sqrt(float64(n)))
    if squareRooted*squareRooted == n {
        return true
    return false