720. Longest Word in Dictionary

The idea of this solution is pretty simple:

  • The code will sort words, so the minor parts we use to build the biggest words are before the built-up words. Also, since words is sorted, we don’t have to worry about the “longest word with the smallest lexicographical order”; we only have to care about the “longest word” part.
  • After that, the code will loop through words.
    • Then, the code will check whether a map called m contains the word without the last letter. We know that the current word builds onto a previous word. If the length of the current word is 1, we know that it is the beginning of a build.
      • Inside the if statement, we can check whether the length of word is greater than the length of the maximum length string. If so, we can make the maximum word equal to word.
      • Then, we can add word to the map with a value of 1.
  • Then we can return max.
func longestWord(words []string) string {
    m := make(map[string]int)
    max := ""

    for _, word := range words {
        if m[word[:len(word)-1]] != 0 || len(word) == 1 {
            if len(word) > len(max) {
                max = word
            m[word] = 1

    return max