824. Goat Latin

The idea of this solution is actualy pretty simple. We:

  • First add all the vowels to a map. We make a a string where we keep on appending "a" to it per word. Then we split S by spaces so we get all the words in an array called words.
  • Then we loop through words.
  • Inside the iteration we check whether the first letter of the current word is not a vowel we can move the first letter to the end.
  • After checking whether it is a consonant we can add "ma" + a because we are supposed to add "ma" + a to a word that begins with a vowel or a consonant.
  • Then we add "a" to a because as the problem statment says “Add one letter ‘a’ to the end of each word per its word index in the sentence, starting with 1.”

The Code:

func toGoatLatin(S string) string {
    words := strings.Split(S, " ")
    vowels := make(map[uint8]int)
    a := "a"
    vowels['a'] = 1; vowels['e'] = 1; vowels['i'] = 1;
    vowels['o'] = 1; vowels['u'] = 1
    vowels['A'] = 1; vowels['E'] = 1; vowels['I'] = 1; 
    vowels['O'] = 1; vowels['U'] = 1

    for i := 0; i < len(words); i++ {
        if vowels[words[i][0]] == 0 {
            words[i] = words[i][1:] + string(words[i][0])
        words[i] += "ma" + a
        a += "a"
    return strings.Join(words, " ")