844. Backspace String Compare

To be truthful I am not sure whether this solution is an O(n) time or a O(2n) time because this code loops through s then t. Could someone tell me which it is?

So the idea of this solution is: *Note: I will be explaining only the loop for s because the loop for s is pretty much the same as the loop for t.

  • So the code first loops from 0 to len(s).
  • The code checks whether i > 0 && s[i] == '#' because if s[i] == '#' we know that we have to remove the previous element, and i > 0 is for whether there is a previous element to remove. So, if i > 0 && s[i] == '#' we can remove the # and the previous element, then we move i back by 2 because we have removed two characters from s.
  • The else if checks whether s[i] == '#'. This is for if we have to remove the previous element but there is no previous element that we can remove. So if s[i] == '#' we can remove the # and move i back by 1 because we removed 1 character from s.

If you don’t understand why we are moveing i back by 1 or 2 look at the following image:

input = "Ta#co#s"

The Code:

func backspaceCompare(s string, t string) bool {
    for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
        if i > 0 && s[i] == '#' {
            s = s[:i-1] + s[i+1:]
            i -= 2
        } else if s[i] == '#' {
            s = s[1:]
            i -= 1
    for i := 0; i < len(t); i++ {
        if i > 0 && t[i] == '#' {
            t = t[:i-1] + t[i+1:]
            i -= 2
        } else if t[i] == '#' {
            t = t[1:]
            i -= 1
    return s == t